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Airbnb Provides $1 Million Donation to Combat Rising Food Insecurity

Airbnb’s gift to Hawaii Foodbank will help provide food for approximately 2 million meals across the entire state.

Hawaiʻi Foodbank has announced a $1 million donation from the Airbnb Community Fund that will help to provide food for approximately 2 million meals to families, kūpuna and keiki in need across the islands. Airbnb’s donation will benefit all affiliate food bank partners across the islands – Hawai‘i Foodbank on O‘ahu and Kaua‘i, Maui Food Bank, and The Food Basket on Hawai‘i Island – to support communities statewide.

“We’re deeply grateful for Airbnb’s incredible generosity,” said Hawaiʻi Foodbank President and CEO Amy Miller. “Many in our communities continue to struggle with rising costs, and we’re seeing firsthand the increased demand for food assistance. This support from Airbnb will enable us to continue to meet the immediate needs of our neighbors across the state while also providing an opportunity for us to leverage the donation to tackle food insecurity in the future.”

Food insecurity in Hawai‘i has been reaching critical levels in recent years. The donation comes at a time when Hawaiʻi Foodbank is serving an average of 170,000 individuals each month – an increase from previous years, reflecting the growing economic hardships facing local households.

“Airbnb and local hosts are deeply committed to strengthening communities throughout Hawai’i,” said Janaye Ingram, Airbnb Community Partner Programs Director. “This Airbnb Community Fund donation will support the important work of the food banks to combat food insecurity across the islands, helping make a significant difference in the lives of those who need it most.”

The donation is part of the Airbnb Community Fund, an initiative Airbnb launched in 2020 to directly support local communities and the people who live there. Hawaiʻi Foodbank and its food bank affiliates are part of this year’s grant recipients, which includes more than 160 organizations making a difference in over 30 countries across six continents.

“Each month, Maui Food Bank serves 40,000 individuals in need, and this gift plays a vital role in providing nutritious food options to those facing food insecurity,” described Lisa Paulson, CEO of Maui Food Bank. “Maui Food Bank extends its heartfelt gratitude to Airbnb for their incredibly generous contribution to support hunger relief in Maui County.”

In describing the impact on Hawai‘i Island, Kristin Frost Albrecht, executive director at The Food Basket, added, “The Food Basket, Hawai’i Island’s Food Bank would like to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation to Airbnb for this incredible gift. Given that 40% of Hawai’i Island’s households are food insecure, this generous donation will go to immediate good use to help our many island families who are struggling daily to put food on their tables.”

“This donation comes at an important time when many families are forced to make tough choices between food and other basic needs. The impact will go far, but we know there is still much work to do.”

The need for food assistance across the entire state has been exacerbated by ongoing economic challenges, including the lingering impacts of the pandemic, rising inflation, the devastating wildfires on Maui and other factors. Hawai‘i Foodbank continues to work alongside agency partners and community organizations to distribute fresh produce, shelf-stable goods, and essential nutrition to those who need it most.

“This donation comes at an important time when many families are forced to make tough choices between food and other basic needs,” added Miller. “The impact will go far, but we know there is still much work to do. Alleviating food insecurity is a shared community responsibility, and our food banks statewide need continued community support to ensure that everyone in Hawai‘i has access to the safe and healthy food we all deserve to thrive.”

For more information on the Airbnb Community Fund, visit news.airbnb.com.

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Household Size
200% Monthly Gross Income (BBCE Household)
130% Monthly Gross Income (Regular Household)
100% Monthly Net Income

Note: 200% BBCE Monthly Gross Income (MGI) is based on 100% SNAP Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
BBCE – Broad-based Categorical Eligibility

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Federal Poverty Guidelines

Household Size
200% Monthly Gross Income
(BBCE Household)
130% Monthly Gross Income
(Regular Household)
100% Monthly Net Income

Note: 200% BBCE Monthly Gross Income (MGI) is based on 100% SNAP Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
BBCE – Broad-based Categorical Eligibility