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Subscribing for Dignity: Alicia’s Story

Alicia Higa and ‘Elepaio Social Services are piloting a food subscription program in partnership with Hawai‘i Foodbank.

Through a new food subsription program, Alicia Higa is working to connect her Wai‘anae community with greater access to fresh, locally grown food.

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since the catastrophic wildfires took place on Maui. Like you and so many others in our community, we were devastated by the news last August. So much has happened in that time, and we wanted to take a moment to pause, reflect and honor all those impacted by the painful events.

The wildfires taught us many lessons (read our full Maui Impact Report for a short look at how we were able to work together with our partners at Maui Food Bank to get food, water and other supplies to those who needed it most). We recently learned that 1 in 5 residents across the state have been impacted by the wildfires to one degree or another – whether they lost a family member, friend, property and/or job. Among these households, nearly 50% experienced food insecurity.

Alicia Higa and ‘Elepaio Social Services are piloting a food subscription program in partnership with Hawai‘i Foodbank.

Whether you were impacted directly or indirectly, I want to remind you that Hawai‘i Foodbank is here to help.

We work with more than 225 hunger-relief partners across O‘ahu and Kaua‘i, along with Maui Food Bank and The Food Basket on Hawai‘i Island to provide our communities with consistent access to safe and healthy food all year round. If you are in need of help, visit our website to find a food pantry, distribution or other food assistance opportunity near you. Safe and healthy food is a fundamental human right, and we’re here for you, whether you need regular assistance or just a little extra help once in a while.

Elepaio’s pilot program provides 0 per month for participants to use at two local farmers markets.
Elepaio’s pilot program provides 0 per month for participants to use at two local farmers markets.

In disasters, necessity and a shared sense of service bring people together in unprecedented ways ... Through blue skies and gray, our community’s aloha always shines through.

Looking back at the last year, I also want to take a moment to share our gratitude. In disasters, necessity and a shared sense of service bring people together in unprecedented ways. Working for the Foodbank, I can personally attest to this, and it has been such a privilege to bear witness to how our community bands together when people need help. On a daily basis, I get to see the best of humanity, people helping people through some of our darkest times. Through blue skies and gray, our community’s aloha always shines through.

It was incredibly humbling to work alongside so many partners and community members during the response efforts. While we continue on a challenging journey to recovery, the wildfire response has strengthened new and existing partnerships that will bring long-term change.

From all of us at Hawai‘i Foodbank – mahalo. Your support is what makes it possible for us to respond to emergencies like the wildfires while also ensuring that our families have regular access to safe and healthy food all year long.

Thank you for being an essential part of our Hawai‘i Foodbank family.

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Federal Poverty Guidelines

Household Size
200% Monthly Gross Income (BBCE Household)
130% Monthly Gross Income (Regular Household)
100% Monthly Net Income

Note: 200% BBCE Monthly Gross Income (MGI) is based on 100% SNAP Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
BBCE – Broad-based Categorical Eligibility

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Federal Poverty Guidelines

Household Size
200% Monthly Gross Income
(BBCE Household)
130% Monthly Gross Income
(Regular Household)
100% Monthly Net Income

Note: 200% BBCE Monthly Gross Income (MGI) is based on 100% SNAP Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
BBCE – Broad-based Categorical Eligibility