Full Circle: Kamalani’s Story

Kamalani Dung

Professional softball player Kamalani Dung has experienced many highs and lows in her life, and she’s grateful for each and every one of them. For the 23-year-old right-hander from Wai‘anae, Hawaii Foodbank’s mission is personal, and she’s ready to pitch in for Hawaii’s hungry communities.

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Hawaii’s Ho‘okipa

This time of year, we remember to cherish the traditions that fundamentally shape who we are, and we’re reminded to look back at the past with a grateful heart — even when it is difficult to do so. As we think about fall and traditions here at Hawaii Foodbank, we can’t help but think of ho‘okipa.

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National Food Bank Day

National Food Bank Day

As a member of Feeding America, we are recognizing the unwavering contributions of food banks all across the country. This year, the role of food banks in our communities is especially important as COVID-19 continues to threaten the lives and livelihoods of people throughout the world.

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Overwhelming Joy: Ferdinand’s Story

Ferdinand's Story

For years, Ferdinand made the drive from Waipahu to Kapolei, working as a housekeeper in the hospitality industry. But after tourism shut down in response to COVID-19, Ferdinand was furloughed. The other members of his household — all hotel workers — were also out of work.

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Hunger Is …

Hunger is so many things in Hawaii. Hunger is shame. Hunger is pride. Hunger is making sure no one else around you knows that you’re hungry.

September is Hunger Action Month, and it reminds us that, together, we can heal hunger – one helping at a time.

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Good Food to Someone You Love

Food connects us, and there may be no better feeling than feeding good food to someone you love. But what does that mean when you’re starving? Learn how Food 4 Keiki School Pantries are helping hungry students feel proud to contribute by bringing food home.

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