National Association of Letter Carriers’
Stamp Out Hunger
Food Drive, May 11
Donate online or leave non-perishable food items by your mailbox on Saturday, May 11 — and your letter carrier will do the rest.

Each year, letter carriers across Hawai‘i head out on their routes on the second Saturday in May to collect donations of non-perishable food items to benefit our local food banks. Since launching in 1993, the National Association of Letter Carriers’ annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive has grown into the nation’s largest one-day food drive.
The need is great, but you can help. We invite you to join letter carriers and our partner organizations in the fight to end hunger in our communities by participating in the annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. Simply leave your donation of non-perishable food in a bag near your mailbox on Saturday, May 11, or join us now by making an online donation today!
When you donate online, we can stretch your impact even further.
Every $1 can help provide food for more than 2 meals.
Donate Funds
Because of our affiliation with Feeding America, we’re able to stretch your dollars further. A donation of $10 helps provide food for more than 20 meals.
Give NowVolunteer
With Us
Donate Time
Volunteers are needed at our warehouse between 4 and 10 p.m. Saturday, May 11, to help us with unloading trucks, sorting, wrapping pallets and more.
Sign UpStamp Out Hunger donations will remain on the island on which they were collected in order to assist local keiki, kūpuna, and families. Donations will be made to one of the following local food banks: Hawai‘i Foodbank on O‘ahu, Hawai‘i Foodbank Kaua‘i on Kaua‘i, Maui Food Bank on Maui and The Food Basket on Hawai‘i Island.
Questions About Stamp Out Hunger?
For more information, please contact Teri Luna, director of product resourcing, at or 808-954-7860.